Sunday, July 30, 2023

Army Defined: Group Of Frogs, Heads To Count, Thanks For Service, Cheers, USA.

 Faiyaz Khalid, a lawyer help, in his own words, views, values, and the voice within, 3 ways to charm. Laws to be rewritten, in India, expect, he wrote a book, check it out. You heard it from the horse mouth. From the horse mouth, to my ear, so I could, share the news. Cheers, Justice for all. To get justice, Free advice on legal aspects.THE Real U: Mayia A. (Spruce Power)Unacepptable. Did Not Close March 4th 2022.

 Practically new Silverleaf Costumes Saloon Girl Skirt in Seafoam Green.

Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, poker playerd to the right. Not a Free Ride.

Ozzie and Harriet,' 'Mayberry' America of old was vastly superior to what we are experiencing today."Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find..Lots of lies, lots of love, lots of laughs, tales online, stories to share, cat and mouse, cartoons shows. Pages to turn, stories to read, books to create, monkeys on a tree. Games of rats and men, rats racing for more cash daily, events for the here and now.Carol-Castro Jarrot
May be an image of 1 person, wrist watch and text

LIESLiarsassholes on the roof, snakes in the grass, spiders and worms, faces in the crowds.Sons To ShineEmpire Of LiarsAssholes On RoofSpruse Powers.James Anthony,David Stockman,100 Years Ago: The End of German Hyperinflation Thorsten Polleit  .To Be a Mother ,Restoring Truth.

 Frogs Dazes: Dances with wolves, dances with snakes, in the cold weather, in the woods. Land whales, frog classes on the beach, home movies done to date. History recorded, tales and treats.


One Day In Life, Back In Time, Heads In Sands Of Time, Pebbles To Rocks, Gems To Love, Lions, Tigers, And Bears, Oh My. I support impeachment.Love, Lights, Laughter.I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive.

More of this coming, unfortunately.FERRARI A.G.E &.LUX IT'S MY WORLD.I AM GOING TO CRY .CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN. We The People, American Birds, Fingers 2 Hands: Go Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Joy, Peace, Happiness, Wheels To Turn, Clocks To Run, Coins On Hands, American Veterans:
May be an image of 1 person

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